Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb "to be"​

elizavetadeomi elizavetadeomi    2   11.11.2019 18:30    1

fhuffggergryth5h6 fhuffggergryth5h6  10.10.2020 12:29

1) 1. My sister is writing a letter.

2. Tim and Tom are sleeping.

3. My hamster is running.

4. His brothers are playing golf.

5. Our friends are singing.

6. Her dogs are barking.

7. The mice are eating cheese.

8. Those women are ...

9. The woman is looking ...

2) 1. Sara and Tom aren't playing squash together now.

2. Jim is going to school on Monday.

3. I am not reading a book and not listening to music.

3) 1. Are my best friends going to Spain next year?

2. Am I thinking about you?

3. Is Tom's sister studying Japanese at the moment?

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