Fill in the blanks with superlative adjectives. 1. my mother is women in the world. (lovely) 2. marry is student in the class. (successful) 3. dorothy is girl in the class. ( tall) 4. this shop shop in the city center. (expensiv) 5. our house house in our neighborhood. ( big) 6. this is cake i have ever eaten. ( delicious)

TitikØ TitikØ    2   17.09.2019 07:40    5

дима4455 дима4455  07.10.2020 21:19
1.the most lovely 2.the most successful 3.the tallest 4.the most expensive 5. The biggest 6.the most delicious
LinaMat LinaMat  07.10.2020 21:19
2.My mother is most lovely in the world.
1.Marry is most successful studend in the class.
3.Dorothy is tallest girl in the class.
4.This shop is most expensive shop in the city center.
5. Our house is biggest house in our neighborhood.
6.This is most delicous cake I have ever eaten.
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