Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs. A. 1. Having been in the country ... only a couple ... months she very quickly got ... the language difficulty. 2. His main interest lies ... research, don't charge him ... managerial work. 3. ... the two sis¬ters the younger was a much better actress, always leaving the elder sister ... the shade. 4. The medicine ought to be taken ... definite hours... a glass... warm milk. 5. Don't sit ... the draught, or you'll catch a cold. 6. ... spite ... the early hour we found a restaurant already open and went ... ... a quick meal. 7. His report would have been more ... the point if he hadn't gone ... details and hadn't departed ... the sub¬ject. 8. Though he was doing his best to hide his feelings, it was obvi¬ous that he was very much ... love ... the girl. 9. The last time we met was ... the occasion ... some family meeting. 10. It's all so sudden. I can't join the party, I'm not dressed ... the occasion. 11. She got ... the shock ... a speed I never expected ... her. 12. The new model ... the car looks much more beautiful ... the old model. 13. The little boy was left ... the charge ... his sister only ... one occasion, and they both enjoyed themselves a lot. The day started and ended ... ice-cream, and no dinner. 14. She took the new life ... its difficulties very hard, as she had always lived ... comfort. 15. This problem can't be dealt ... separately ... the rest. 16. I must have my TV set repaired. Do you hap¬pen to know how much they charge ... repairing this particular model?

The train was no longer going ... a great speed.
"We shall be ... London ... five minutes now," said Alban looking ... ... the window … the white smoke ... the engine ... the grey London sky.
The train slowed ... and followed one track ... many others ... the station. Alban put'... his hat and took ... ... the racks the things; then he pulled the window ... and waved his arm ... a porter. The train pulled ... ... the platform. A porter opened the deer and Alban handed him ... one suit-case ... another. Then, ... his polite way, having jumped ... ... the platform, he gave his hand to Anne to help her ... . The porter went to fetch a truck. When he came ... ... the truck, the luggage was piled ... it, and they followed the porter ... the cement platform ... the gate.
When the taxi came, the luggage was placed next ... the driver. Alban gave the porter half-a-crown and they drove ... .
(after "The Door of Opportunity" by W. S. Maugham)

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