Fill in the blanks with: have / has 1. We beautiful flowers in our garden.
2. Jane five new English books.
3. I an expensive sport car.
4. They a big villa not far from the beach .
5. My sister a lot of dolls in her room.
6. My father a computer in his office.
7. Sandra and I five pets .
8. My mother a pretty orange bag.
9. Orit some friends in Haifa.
10. You ten notebooks.
11. I a desk and two chairs in my bedroom.
12. Robert a tall brother.
13. These boys blue eyes.
14. Dana two pen pals in Australia.
15. The pupils a new computer room .
16. The dog a very big doghouse.
17. Bill Gates a lot of money .
18. He short blond hair .
19. They four tickets to the show .
20. This girl birthday in April .

Artemko1337 Artemko1337    2   11.09.2020 16:24    3

ferrum4 ferrum4  15.10.2020 20:26

I / You / We / They - HAVE

He / She / It - HAS

1. We have beautiful flowers in our garden.

2. Jane has five new English books.

3. I have an expensive sport car.

4. They have a big villa not far from the beach.

5. My sister has a lot of dolls in her room.

6. My father has a computer in his office.

7. Sandra and I have five pets .

8. My mother has a pretty orange bag.

9. Orit has some friends in Haifa.

10. You have ten notebooks.

11. I have a desk and two chairs in my bedroom.

12. Robert has a tall brother.

13. These boys have blue eyes.

14. Dana has two pen pals in Australia.

15. The pupils have a new computer room .

16. The dog has a very big doghouse.

17. Bill Gates has a lot of money.

18. He has short blond hair.

19. They have four tickets to the show.

20. This girl has birthday in April.

westt westt  15.10.2020 20:26

1 We have beautiful flowers in the garden

2 Jane has 5 new English books

3 I have an expensive sport car

4 They have a big villa not far from the beach

5 My sister has a lot of dolls in her room

6 My father has a computer in his office

7 Sandra and I have five pets

8 My mother has a pretty orange bag

9 Orit has some friends in Haifa

10 You have ten notebooks

11 I have a desk and two chairs in my bedroom

12 Robert has a tall brother

13 These boys have blue eyes

14 Dana has two pen pals in Australia

15 The pupils have a new computer room

16 The dog has a very big doghouse

17 Bill Gates has a lot of money

18 He has short blond hair

19 They have 4 tickets to the show

20 This girl has birthday in April

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