. Fill in the blanks with a / an / the / –: 1. Nobody thought that … book would be so popular with … reader.
2. While doing … exercise 25 I made … few mistakes.
3. Have you heard … latest news?
4. She has been interested in … History since her childhood.
5. … child was grateful to me because I didn’t say who had broken … cup.
6. … Christmas is my favourite holiday.
7. He reads … Daily Telegraph and his wife reads … Daily Mail.
8. How long have you been in … hospital?
9. He became as white as … snow.
10. … English are very fond of … tea.
11. He was born on … bank of … Volga River.
12. I’ve never visited … Tower of London.
13. We’ll go to … country in … fine weather, but today we’ll stay at … home.
14. He always tells me … truth.
15. He left … university without doing examinations.
16. I like reading in … bed.

МахмудШар МахмудШар    2   15.12.2020 18:14    1

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