Fill in some any no, something, somebody, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody, everything, everybody. 1. I don’t have money

2. Her patient has a bad memory. She can't remember ...

3. Are there ... chess players here?

4. The student-didn't understand ... because she heard ... .

5. Give me ... tea, please, I am thirsty

6. Are there ... new buildings in your street?

7. I could see ... : it was quite dark.

8. I've had a terrible day. ... went wrong

9. . ... knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it.

10. . ... needs good friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

11. Give me ... to read, please. — With pleasure.

12. Is there ... in the office?

tushenka88 tushenka88    1   08.06.2020 22:28    1

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