Fill in : rings, contact, survived, colony, asteroid, gravity, manned, level, history, command.

Fill in : rings, contact, survived, colony, asteroid, gravity, manned, level, history, command.

vanya164 vanya164    1   19.10.2020 12:26    28

9999Ksenya999 9999Ksenya999  18.11.2020 12:27

1. Thankfully the crew survived the Apollo 13 disaster.

2. Earth is bigger than the Moon so the gravity is stronger here.  

3. Bolh Saturn and Neptune have rings around them.

4. In the film Amageddon, a huge asteroid is heading towards the Earth.    

5. The first command space flight was on 12th April 1961  

6. The pilot controls the spacecraft from the manned module.  

7. Do you think there will ever be a human colony on another planet?  

8. The space shultle lost contact with mission control for a few minutes.  

9. The astronauts managed to bring the carbon diaxide down to a safe level

10. Apolio 13 was mission that went down in history.

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