Fill in prepositions & advebs where necessary. 1) What size do you take ... hats? 2) What size ... collars do you wear? 3) I’m afraid these shoes won’t go very well ... this gown. 4) What have you got ... latest things ... skirts? 5) These slacks will stand no comparison ... those beige corduroys. 6) This coat will last ... years. 7) It wears well & it keeps ... shape. 8) This leather is ... very bad quality. 9) I should like a pair ... black laced boots. 10) ... what are made these high furlined boots? 11) Can you show me those shoes ... snake skin? 12) Have you any like these, but ... leather soles? 13) I like this silk ... spots. 14) Cut ... 5 meters, please. 15) 3 meters ... that striped print, please. 16) I can never tell natural silk ... artificial. 17) Let me try that parka ... . 18) ... what size are these vests? 19) Give me another one, ... 2 sizes bigger. 20) I’d like a cardigan ... this very shade, but this is ... a size too big ... me. 21) It looks awfully nice ... you.​

малика2071 малика2071    1   05.06.2021 10:30    6

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