Fill in : moody, sad, angry, organised, grumpy, mean, rude, aggressive, fun-loving, embarrassed.
1 M a ry 's w ith John because
he to o k her car w ith o u t asking.
2 W hen anyone criticises him , he becomes
and loses his tem per.
3 Tanya was a teenager
w h o spent a lo t o f tim e alone.
4 W hen I have n't had enough sleep I feel
and unsociable in the
m orning.
5 The students w ere v e r y
and finished th e ir project on tim e.
6 Daniel lo o k e d and
w o rrie d as I to ld him I'd lost my job.
7 It was v e r y o f Max to
speak like th a t to his best friend.
8 She can b e at tim es and
picks on her younger brother.
9 Harry f e l t abo ut singing in
fro n t o f the w h ole class.
10 Katy is a girl w h o loves
going to parties.

raykyoko raykyoko    2   18.04.2020 12:29    3

AndroidBot2018 AndroidBot2018  23.08.2020 22:12

1. Mary's angry with John because  he took her car without asking.

2. When anyone criticises him, he becomes  moody and loses his temper.

3. Tanya was a mean teenager who spent a lot of time alone.

4. When I haven't had enough sleep, I feel  grumpy and unsociable in the  morning.

5. The students were very organised and finished their project on time.

6. Daniel looked sad and  worried as I told him I'd lost my job.

7. It was very rude of Max to  speak like that to his best friend.

8.  She can be aggressive at times and  picks on her younger brother.

9. Harry felt embarrassed about singing in  front of the whole class.

10. Katy is a fun-loving girl who loves  going to parties.

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