Fill in: is/are 1.there … many old trees in the park. 2.there … children under the trees. 3.there … a lake in the park. 4.there … boats on the lake. 5.there … woman in the boat. 6.there … a glass on the table. 7.there … a cup of coffee on the coffee-table. 8.there … flowers in the vase. 9.there … seven bottles under the table. 10.there … a water-melon in the fridge. 11.there a bicycle near the tree. 12.there some books on the table. 13.there a sweet in the box. 14.there some birds in the cage. 15.there a pear on the dish.

Klamie Klamie    1   07.08.2019 23:30    2

ллл107 ллл107  04.10.2020 04:02
1) are
2) are
3) is
4) are
5) is
6) is
7) is
8) are
9) are
10) is
11) is
12) are
13) is
14) are
15) is
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