Fill in: in good time, matter of time, time flies, call it a day, eleventh hour, better late than never. Explain the
meaning of the idioms. You can use a dictionary if you like.
1 We've been studying all day, let's
get some rest.
2 We were able to finish the project at the
3 I'm sure you'll find the job that suits you best - it's only a(n)
4 It took him five years to finish the book, but
5 I can't believe our holidays are over;
when you're having fun!
6 I know you were hoping to have been promoted by now, but
1)eat food 2)Night 3)не знаю сорри 4)he dont want do this 5)in 1 february 6)тоже не знаю
Это то у меня в голову пришло