Fill in each blank with suitable words. love at first sight. last august, tony and julie were complete (b1) …. they didn’t even heard of each other. they first (b2) … at michael’s twenty-first birthday and they took (b3) … each other immediately. as they got to (b4) … each other, they realized that they had many things (b5) … common. translate the russian words into english and write them down. b6. don’t interfere with her. she … (делает) her homework. b7. i can’t help … (рассказать) you about it. b8. he has never lied to us … (тоже). b9. i’m late, … (не так ли)? b10. it’s no good, … (не так ли)?

лаура1446 лаура1446    2   01.08.2019 03:50    148

FoXiCZ FoXiCZ  29.09.2020 01:08
Strangers, met,to, know, in. Is doing, telling, as well, aren't I, is it.
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