Fill in do/does/don’t/doesn’t 1. … a tiger eat leaves? no, it … 2. …koalas drink water? no, they … 3. … tigers live in asia? yes, they … 4. … the rhino like sitting in the mud? yes, it … ii. cross the odd word out. 1.ruler/ pen/ eraser/ pencil/ geography 2. bedroom/ bathroom /kitchen/ living room/ fridge 3. brother/ father/ uncle/ grandfather/ sister 4. summer/ autumn/ winter/ spring /weather 5.garlic/ cucumber/ cabbage/ potato/ meat iii. write the nationalities. 1.france - 2.britain - 3.russia - 4.greece - 5.america - iv.write the plurals.…..…… 2.brush…… 7.match…… 3.leaf……… 8. fish…….. 4.girl………. 9. mouse…… 5.child…….. 10. man…… v. сhoose the right answer. 1. this is my father. look at ….. (he/him) 2. mary is my best friend. i can tell ….. all my secrets. (she/her) 3. ….. grandpa is very funny.(my/me) 4….. umbrella is very nice. (his/our) 5. i meet….. every day. (they/them) vi.сircle the correct answer. 1. i always ….at 7 o’clock. (get up, gets up, got up) 2. look! he ….his bike. (repairs, repair, is repairing) 3. butteflies ….with their feet. (taste/tastes/is tasting) 4. i often …..for a walk. (go/goes/am going) 5. my dad ….tv every evening. (watch/watches/is watching) 6. what … doing? (do/are/ can) 7. paul can sing but he…..draw. (isn’t/can’t/ can 8. there’s a bed in my room but there …..any chairs. (isn’t/aren’t/ are) 9. how often … they dance? (have/do/are) 10. mark usually ….up at 7 o’ clock. (wakes/wake/ woke) vii. complete this postcard, using the past simple of the verbs. dear marina, hi, there! my vacation…… (be) great! i ….(visit) my friends in australia. i…… (stay) at a nice hotel near a beautiful beach. we…… (rent) a car and …) around. i….. (try) to learn windsurfing, but it…. (be) very difficult for me to do it. i ….(enjoy) the local food and really….. (like) the fresh fruit. i …) to a lot of local people there. i’m really glad i …) english at high school. see you soon! love, olga be - visit - stay - rent - travel - try - be - enjoy - like - talk - study -

dudinaksusha06 dudinaksusha06    2   19.05.2019 17:03    128

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