Field [fi: ld] - поле, луг, cow [kau] - корова, road [`roud] - дорога, путь, garden [ga: dn] - сад, hill [hil] - холм, bridge [brɪdʒ] - мост, apple [ˈæpl] - яблоко, tree [triː] - дерево, sheep [ʃiːp] - овца, horse [hɔːs] - лошадь, river [ˈrɪvə] - река составте рассказ

annauskova21 annauskova21    3   12.09.2019 14:50    1

Vikamurzikk Vikamurzikk  07.10.2020 09:52
Waking up from the sun, I decided to look out the window. I saw a river flowing near my house, and near the river my cow was eating herb, next to it there was a sheep. After washing, I went to the street to feed my horse. After feeding her, I went to the garden, in which I had to collect apples. I climbed a tree, almost fell. On the tree I saw as across the road my mother was leading a cow home, and my grandmother was a sheep.
OnePlus007 OnePlus007  07.10.2020 09:52
On one side was a large hill near which was a  small field where grazing: cow, horse and sheep. On the other hand was a large river over which was a bridge.  Which this second hand so wasa small garden with along way. In this garden grew a large tree which had apples. Такой подходит?) 
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