ЭЙ ВЫ ИЗДЕВАЕТЕСЬ?? Су** достали игнорить мои Распределите существительные

Употребляются в ед.ч-

Употребляются в мн.ч-

Не входят ни туда и ни туда-
Cat, sugar , puppy, love, friend , advice, horse , news, progress, hair, money, mathematics , apples, scissors, trousers, cities , goods, clothes, butter, puppies, police, knowledge, people

2)Заполните пропуски . Поставьте существительное во множественное число, если это требуется.

1. Children ate four (tomato) .

2. You can put (sugar) in your tea.

3. We have to buy new (furniture) .

4. I need to wash my (hair) .

5. We had lots of (fun) .

6. The Milfords have a lot of (money) .

7. How many (people) were at the cinema with you?

8. Could you give some (information) on your project?

9. In this hotel, (family) are very welcome.

10. Those (man) seem to be very tired.

Ежевичка1111 Ежевичка1111    3   10.11.2020 09:15    5

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