Express the same in English. Use the forms of the verbs can and manage. 1. - Сколько штанов удалось погладить вчера? не могла гладить кофточку. Что-то не так с железом. 2. Нам удалось найти номер его мобильного телефона, но мы не смогли с ним поговорить. Телефон был выключен. 3. В конце концов мне довелось посмотреть «Гарри Поттера и Тайную комнату», однако я не мог понять, почему этот фильм так популярен. 4. После долгих переговоров мы смогли прийти к соглашению. 5. Сколько страниц вы могли бы перевести? 6. Маленькая девочка не могла найти дорогу домой. 7. Миссия была сложной, и Том не смог ее выполнить. 8. Удалось ли вам ответить на все вопросы учителя? 9. Я не могла купить сыну кроссовки. Магазин имел только небольшие размеры. 10. Удалось ли вам решить проблему самостоятельно или вам Четыре, но я

АружанкаЛав АружанкаЛав    2   20.01.2021 19:43    124

Dgukpd Dgukpd  21.12.2023 08:28
1. - How many pants could you manage to iron yesterday? I couldn't iron the shirt. Something is wrong with the iron.
To express this in English, we use the verb "can" to talk about ability and "manage" to talk about achieving or accomplishing something. In this sentence, we want to convey the idea that the person was able to iron some pants but couldn't iron the shirt. We use "could manage" to indicate the ability or accomplishment. We also mention that there was a problem with the iron.
2. We managed to find his mobile phone number, but we couldn't talk to him. The phone was turned off.
To express this in English, we use "manage" to talk about achieving the goal of finding the phone number and "couldn't" to indicate the inability to talk to the person. We also mention that the phone was turned off.
3. In the end, I managed to watch "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," but I couldn't understand why this movie is so popular.
To express this in English, we use "manage" to indicate the accomplishment of watching the movie and "couldn't" to show the inability to understand why it is popular.
4. After lengthy negotiations, we managed to reach an agreement.
To express this in English, we use "manage" to talk about achieving the goal or reaching the agreement.
5. How many pages could you translate?
To express this in English, we use "could" to indicate the ability to translate a certain number of pages.
6. The little girl couldn't find her way home.
To express this in English, we use "couldn't" to show the inability to find the way home.
7. The mission was difficult, and Tom couldn't accomplish it.
To express this in English, we use "couldn't" to indicate the inability to accomplish the mission.
8. Were you able to answer all the teacher's questions?
To express this in English, we use "were you able to" to ask about the ability to answer all the questions.
9. I couldn't buy sneakers for my son. The store only had small sizes.
To express this in English, we use "couldn't" to show the inability to buy sneakers and mention the reason, which is that the store only had small sizes.
10. Were you able to solve the problem on your own or did you need help?
To express this in English, we use "were you able to" to ask about the ability to solve the problem and mention the options of solving it independently or needing help.
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