Exercise14. вставьте в предложения соответствующую форму глагола be 1.there … a computer club at my school. 2. there… a parking lot in our block (квартал) next year. 3. in his yesterday test there … many errors (ошибка). 4. there… three new subjects in our curriculum (учебный план) next year. 5. there… a concert at the student club tonight. 6. in a week there … yellow and red leaves on the trees. 8. there…an unpleasant incident here yesterday. 9. there … a lot of passengers in the bus. 10. there … only one visitor in the museum now.

SaShAkOT13 SaShAkOT13    3   18.08.2019 20:30    3

maryartis111 maryartis111  05.10.2020 03:36
1. There is a computer club at my school.
2. There is a parking lot in our block next year.
3. In his yesterday test there were many errors.
4. There will be three new subjects in our curriculum next year.
5. There is a concert at the student club tonight.
6. In a week there will be yellow and red leaves on the trees.
8. There was an unpleasant incident here yesterday.
9. There are a lot of passengers in the bus.
10. There is only one visitor in the museum now.
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