Exercise II Put the work in brackets in the required future tense form. Mind the Future Perfect. 1.

The librarian (to register) all the books by the end of the week. 2. 1 am afraid we (not to discuss) all the questions by the time they (to come). 3. The secretary (to look through) all the papers by the time the director (to come). 4. 1 hope that they (to receive) my letter by Saturday and (not to expect) me on Sunday. 5. 1 am sure he (to throw) some light upon this matter before 1 (to learn) about it from my sister's letter. 6. Don't start arguing until you (to hear) what I have to say. 7. I suppose that when my letter (to reach) you, you (to return) from your voyage. 8. Our plant (to fulfil) its plan by the 5th of December. 9. He (to go) by the time I arrive. 10. Don't worry I (to write) a letter by the time you (to come) back. 11. Do please hurry or they (to close) the door by the time we get there. 12. By the end of the month the delegation (to come).

willzymustdie willzymustdie    2   01.04.2020 23:26    2

KateKein KateKein  12.10.2020 12:31



1. The librarian will have registered all the books by the end of the week.

2. I am afraid we will not have discussed all the questions by the time they come.

3. The secretary will have looked through all the papers by the time the director comes.

4. I hope that they will have received my letter by Saturday and will not expect me on Sunday.

5. I am sure he will throw some light upon the matter before I learn about it from my sister’s letter.

6. Don’t start arguing until you hear what I have to say.

7. I suppose that when my letter will reach you, you will return from your voyage.

8. Our plants will have fulfilled its plan by the 5th of December.

9. He will have gone by the time I arrive.

10. Don’t worry I will have written a letter by the time you come back.

11. Do please hurry or they will have closed the door by the time we get there.

12. By the end of the month the delegation will have come.

daurmukhtar99 daurmukhtar99  12.10.2020 12:31

ответ: 1. Will have all the books registered

2. Will not have all the questions discussed by the time they come

3. Will have all the papers looked through by the time the director comes

4. Will have my letter received and will not expect me

5. Will have some light thrown, before I learn

6. Have what I have to say heard

7. Reaches you, you will return

8. Will have its plan fulfilled

9. Will be gone

10. Will have the letter written(Will write) by the time you come

11. Will close the door

12. Will come


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