Exercise 7.​put the verbs in brackets into present perfect or past simple. tina: ​​what 1) (you/do) last weekend? jane: ​​2) (spend) the weekend in bristol and i 3) /return). tina: ​​4) (never/be) to bristol. what's it like? jane: ​​friends of mine 5) (live) there for five years so they know
some interesting, fun places. tina: ​​6) you/enjoy) yourself? jane: ​​yes. it 7) (be) great! i 8) (not/have) such a good time for ages. tina: ​​that's good. 9) (you/decide) what you're doing this weekend? jane: ​​10) (already/invite) my friends from bristol to stay with me for the weekend.

ekaterimazimina ekaterimazimina    2   08.10.2019 13:01    25

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