Exercise 4. Выбери и выпиши из текста все глаголы, стоящие в Past Simple, то есть в простом времени. А также укажи их начальную форму (если правильный глагол, нужно убрать окончание, а если неправильный – ищи по таблице) и сделай перевод – Образец выполнения:
dreamed – dream – мечтать
saw – see – видеть
The Darling children often dreamed of the magical land called the Neverland. They saw the strange land with its lagoons, caves and forests. The Neverland was different for each of the children. John lived in a boat turned upside down on the sand. Michel lived in a wigwam, while Wendy lived in a house made of leaves sewn together. They all dreamed of Peter, however, especially Wendy. She knew that Peter Pan often came to the children’s room at night while they were asleep. When she told her mother about this, Mrs. Darling did not believe her.
“No one can get into the house, dear”, said Mrs. Darling.
“I think Peter comes in through the window”, said Wendy.
Mrs. Darling was sure that Peter was just a dream, but the next night Wendy finally met Peter Pan and he was real! She wanted to know more about this interesting boy.