Exercise 4. choose the correct variant. the movie was hilarious! we really liked a) him b) them c) her d) it 2.mary wants to talk to about your homework. a) him b) her c) you d) them 3. the plate shattered when john dropped on the floor. a) him b) her c) them d) it 4. be careful; he lied to before and he may do it again. a) us b) it c) we d) they 5. where are jill and cherie? didn’t you invite a) us b) them c) they d) her 6. the spider bit on my ankle. a) you b) me c) her d) it 7. i heard that jeremy was cut from the team just because tyler doesn’t like a) him b) her c) it d) them

Котик132457 Котик132457    3   12.09.2019 16:00    1

choika64 choika64  07.10.2020 10:01
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. A
daniar16 daniar16  07.10.2020 10:01
1. It
2. You
3. It
4. Us
5. Them
6. Me
7. Him
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