Exercise 3 open the brackets and put the words into the future simple passive example: some money will be given (to give) to you to buy the products. 1. many tasty things (to make) by mother for our party. 2. the pupils (to give) out prizes by the headmaster. 3. i (to ask) a lot of questions during the interview. 4. a surprise party (to arrange) for jane next week.

Unknown112 Unknown112    3   21.09.2019 23:50    1

NasteaPysla NasteaPysla  21.08.2020 13:09
1. will be made
2. will be given
3. will be asked
4. will be arranged
5352352356 5352352356  21.08.2020 13:09
1. Many tasty things will be made by mother for our party.
2. The pupils will be given out prizes by the headmaster.
3. I will be asked a lot of questions during the interview.
4. A surprise party will be arranged for Jane next week.
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