Exercise 2. put in am, are or is. 1. the weather … nice today. 2. i … very tired. 3. this bag … heavy. 4. these bags … heavy. 5. that car … black. 6. my brother and i … very good friends. 7. my mother … at home now. 8. my brothers … at school now. 9. my father … a taxi driver. 10. my sister … a nurse. 11. this book … interesting. 12. this … my sister. 13. i … from london. 14. this film … boring. 15. my cat … in the garden. 16. my grandparents … in the village. 17. my friend’s name … alice. 18. she … 17 years old. 19. these girls … from spain. 20. these … my books.

MaksymU MaksymU    1   16.06.2019 21:20    2

mssvetochkaki mssvetochkaki  13.07.2020 17:51
1-is 2 am 3 is 4 are 5 is 6 am 7 is 8 is 9 is 10 is 11 is 12 is 15 is 16 is 17 is 18 is 19 is 20 are
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