Exercise 2. переделайте вежливые приказы и запреты в косвенную речь. the grandmother says, “don`t write a letter to ann.” mark says, “bring me some water, please.” the doctor says, “stay in bed for a few days.” he says, “don`t sell the car.” i say, “sit down, please.” the mother says, “go and do your home task! ” exercise 3. переделайте специальные вопросы в косвенную речь. he asks jennifer, “what magazines do you prefer to read? ” jack asks his mother, “where does sister go every morning? ” exercise 4. переделайте вопросы к подлежащему в косвенную речь. she was surprised, “who stoles my bag in the shop? ” he asks, “who likes chat in the internet? ” exercise 5. переделайте общий вопрос в косвенную речь. i ask, “didn`t you hear the bell? ” he asks them, “do you understand me? ” exercise 6. переделайте разделительные вопросы в косвенную речь. i ask my dad, “you take part in the great patriotic war, don’t you? ”

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