Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with prepositions. 1. We got the bus. 2. They stood ... their father. 3. We had tea ... a burger ... breakfast
4. They decided to do their homework ... seven o'clock ... the library. 5. They took a pen... the
desk, looked it, then put it 6. We looked ... each other. 7. He goes ... work. 8. She isn't...
home now. She is ... school. 9. These books were written ... Petrov. 10. The school year begins
September. 11. We decided to play chess ... five o'clock . 12. These articles are... a famous
painter. 13. He is a funny little boy ... dark hair. 14. I am keen ... stamps. 15. Steve is fond ...
reading novels. 16. Sunday is the only day ... in our school. 17. The cat is ... the carpet. 18. He
doesn't want to go ... the concert. He is going to work ... Sunday. 19. They decided to meet.
the station. 20. He works ... a hospital. He looks ... children who are ill.​

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with prepositions. 1. We got the bus. 2. They stood ... their father.

катя5092 катя5092    1   21.10.2020 15:21    22

сергей1106 сергей1106  20.11.2020 15:22
Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски предлогами.

1. Достали автобус. 2. Они стояли ... их отец. 3. Пили чай ... бургер ... завтрак

4. Они решили сделать блин полностью не вместилось

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