Exercise 12. Insert the missing word: 1. She has a lot of work to do about the … 2. By … my father is a modest, a cheerful and well-bred
man.3. I play the guitar and we sing … 4. My parents have much in … , but they have different … on
music, books, films, and spots.5. Myparents are . 6. They've got … son and a daughter.7. He does
well at school and gets only … and … marks.8. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and
newspapers or just … everyday problems. 9. They are on … now and they prefer to live in the … 10.
We are … to each other and we get on very well.

Шан15 Шан15    1   30.10.2020 18:08    50

Mymail10 Mymail10  30.10.2020 18:10


Можно вы скринте первод это, а то я не поняла

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