Exercise 10 Words that go together. Match a verb in A with a line in B then translate. А
get up
listen to
in a hotel
in restaurants
in an office
a good time
a meal

alexey2ristp00z7s alexey2ristp00z7s    1   14.02.2022 14:24    72

plz11POMOGITE11plz plz11POMOGITE11plz  10.01.2024 16:05
Exercise 10 Words that go together. Match a verb in A with a line in B then translate.


get up early (подниматься)

go in a hotel (ехать в отель)

watch TV (смотреть телевизор)

listen to music (слушать музыку)

play cards (играть в карты)

stay in restaurants (оставаться в ресторанах)

work in an office (работать в офисе)

cook a meal (готовить еду)

eat (принимать пищу)

have coffee (пить кофе)

drink (пить)

Match a verb in A with a line in B then translate. Here are the matching pairs with explanations:

1. get up - early
Explanation: "Get up" means to rise or wake up from sleep. "Early" is the time frame when this action takes place. So, the answer is "подниматься - рано".

2. go - in a hotel
Explanation: "Go" means to travel or move to a specific place. "In a hotel" describes the destination where the person is going. So, the answer is "ехать - в отель".

3. watch - TV
Explanation: "Watch" means to observe or view something attentively. "TV" refers to television. So, the answer is "смотреть - телевизор".

4. listen to - music
Explanation: "Listen to" means to give attention to sound or music. "Music" represents the specific type of sound being listened to. So, the answer is "слушать - музыку".

5. play - cards
Explanation: "Play" means to engage in a game or activity. "Cards" refers to a specific type of game being played. So, the answer is "играть - в карты".

6. stay - in restaurants
Explanation: "Stay" means to remain at a specific place for a duration of time. "In restaurants" describes the location where the person is staying. So, the answer is "оставаться - в ресторанах".

7. work - in an office
Explanation: "Work" means to perform duties or tasks for a job. "In an office" specifies the location where the work is being done. So, the answer is "работать - в офисе".

8. cook - a meal
Explanation: "Cook" means to prepare food by using heat or a specific method. "A meal" represents the type of food being cooked. So, the answer is "готовить - еду".

9. eat (no corresponding line in B)
Explanation: "Eat" means to consume food or meals. There is no corresponding line in B, but the translation is "принимать пищу".

10. have - coffee
Explanation: "Have" means to consume or possess something. "Coffee" represents the specific item that is being had. So, the answer is "пить - кофе".

11. drink (no corresponding line in B)
Explanation: "Drink" means to consume a liquid by swallowing. There is no corresponding line in B, but the translation is "пить".

By matching the verbs in A with the correct lines in B and understanding their translations, we can learn the appropriate combinations of words in English.
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