Exercise 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время и залог:

1. Silicon is used for manufacturing chips. 2. Einstein presented his theory of relativity in 1905.

3. Scientists make researches in all fields of science. 4. Our company bought computers and printers. 5. The properties of these systems were spoken about. 6. The results of the experiment will be published in a month.7. The time of the operation was reduced.8. This palmtop is made in Japan. 9. Two articles were written by this scientist last year. 10. We use this instrument for measuring pressure.11. This device has just been tested. 12. A new stadium is being constructed in this area now. 13. The text had been translated by 5 p.m. yesterday. 14. Electrical devices are widely used in industry and at home. 15. This robot has already been used for industrial purposes.

Exercise 2. Перепишите предложения из действительного залога в страдательный, используя Present, Past and Future Simple Passive:

Example: We repaired the car yesterday. - The car was repaired yesterday.

1. They used this fuel for different engines. 2. He will publish the results of the experiment in a month. 3. They will improve the car design. 4. The new device reduced the time of the operation.

5. I will check the device tomorrow. 6. This scientist wrote two articles last year. 7. Yesterday they demonstrated a new device. 8. We’ll propose a new model. 9. We use this instrument for measuring pressure. 10. We check this device once a week.

sevostyanova3064 sevostyanova3064    1   17.03.2020 17:49    4

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