Exercise 1. open the brackets using the verbs in the present continuous or past continu 6. my sister … (not do) their homework at seven o’clock yesterday. she … (play) volley-ball. 7. she … (read) the whole evening yesterday. 8. she … (not read) now. 8. look! my cat … (play) with a ball. 9. when i went into the garden yesterday, the sun … (shine) and the birds … (sing). 10. you … (eat) ice-cream when i called you yesterday? 11. what your father … (do) now? 12. what your father … (do) from eight to nine yesterday?

Slavkamyroslavka Slavkamyroslavka    2   31.07.2019 07:50    0

tetyana5 tetyana5  03.10.2020 18:21
6. My sister wasn`t doing her homework at seven o’clock yesterday. She was playing volley-ball.

7. She was reading the whole evening yesterday. She isn`t reading now.

8. Look! My cat is playing with a ball.

9. When I went into the garden yesterday, the sun was shining and the birds were singing.

10. Were you eating ice-cream when I called you yesterday?

11. What is your father doing now?

12. What was your father doing from eight to nine yesterday?
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