Exercise 1 Fill the gaps in the dialogs.
(обращение к водителю такси)

…! …, ….!

Yes, … Where to?

Take me to the Savoy Hotel,…

…, sir.
(случайная встреча со старым знакомым по длительного

…, but haven’t we met before?

… …, I can’t place you.

Last Summer at Brighton.

But …, you are Mike. How stupid of me. I … … …, I should have
(выражение благодарности друзьям)
- … …, John for going to all that trouble for us.
- Don’t …, Peter, … Dorothy. She is the one who did all the running around.
- Well, … …, then, Dorothy. It was very good of you and we’re very grateful.
- … …, Peter, I didn’t mind a bit.
(разговор по телефону)
Mrs Garret: …?
Joey: …. This is Joey Burke speaking. … … speak to Sasha,…?
Mrs G.: … … Sasha! There’s somebody … … … for you.
Sasha: … This is Sasha
Joey: …, Sasha. This is Joey Burke … … New York.
Sasha: …, Joey! … … …?
Joey: I’m fine. How are you doing?
Sasha: …I’m having a great time in Atlanta!

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