Exercise 1. complete the sentences, using the verbs in brackets in the present simple tense 1) bed at 11.00 p.m. (go) 2) jokes. (tell) 3) french. (speak) 4)my sister and i in english. (read) 5)their oxford university. (study) 6) computers at home. (use) 7) half an hour to get home from the institute. (take) 8)they by bus. (go) 9) in the office almost every day. (see) 10)frank almost always breakfast. (shave) 11)sue’s husband usually hard. (work) 12) lot here in winter. (snow) exercise 2. form negative sentences, using the words in brackets example: i the radio in the morning. (listen) i don't listen to the radio in the morning. 1) the dog for a walk early in the morning. (take) 2) all the food in the nearest supermarket. (buy) 3) in the medical centre every day. (work) 4) me with my homework. (help) 5)my coffee in the evening. (drink) 6) football matches every sunday. (go) 7) them three hours to get to their country cottage.(take) 8) very early. (get up) 9)this much money — it’s rather old. (cost) 10) my in a bank. (work) 11) in this place in summer. (rain) 12) to the college on foot. (go) exercise 3. complete the sentences, according to the answers example: when do you get up every morning? => i normally get up at 7 o’clock. the radio? — i listen to it in the morning. ? — he lives in newcastle. every day? — she usually finishes at 5.30. to a sports club? — i go to a sports club once a week. your country? — it often snows in january.- like? — my sister likes love songs. ? — he teaches businessmen. weekends? — they take the children to the zoo. close the windows at night? — because it’s rather cold. chess? — i play it very well. you to get there? — about an hour by bus.. ? — she is a manager. that flat? — my mother does. ? — these shoes cost about 50$. ? — i prefer talk shows.

Pudge3228 Pudge3228    1   08.06.2019 22:10    2

пупгаз пупгаз  01.10.2020 22:34
 часть2   1.do not listen 2. do not take 3.doesn`t buy 4. doesn`t work 5. don`t hep 5. don`t drink 6. don`t go 7. doesn`t drink 8.doesn`t get up 9. doesn`t cost 10. don`t work 11. doesn`t rain 12. do not go 
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