Excercise 15.Rewrite these sentences in the Passive: 1 .In ancient Russia houses (make) mainly of wood.
2. The cake(eat).
3. The book(publish) by Cambridge Uni¬versity Press.
4. The guitar(play) in Spain for many cen¬turies.
5. Whereyour pullover (make)?
6. These books(sell) in many countries.
7. Plastic(use) in manufacturing so many things these days.
8. Over forty languages(speak) in Kenya.
9. Walk more quickly — I think we(follow).
10. Windscreens(make) from glass.
11. Listen to this! A flying sauce(see) over Lviv.
12. This church(build) in the 17th century.
13. Unfortunately unleaded petrol(not/ use) in our cars.

iyvvann iyvvann    1   28.04.2021 18:31    0

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