Example You should ...
You shouldn't ...
8. Read the fablel by Aesop2 and choose the correct participle form.
Once a man went travelling to a far away country. He had seen this counta
on the map giving given to him by an old clever man. He travelled for
year visiting visited different cities and towns of that country. When he go
back home he saw a lot of people singing/sung wonderful
songs. They were happy to see the man again and made a
great party with a lot of different dishes cooking cooked by
the best cooks. Everyone wanted to know about the man's
adventures. And he told the people about his life spending/
spent in the far away country.
"The people of that country could jump very well”, he said.
“They had a jumping competition holding held every year in
the centre of the town. I took part in the competition,
too. I jumped and my jump was the best". Everyone was
very proud of the man. At the end of the party the
old clever man said, "Jump now. Show us how well
you can do it". But the man could only talk well.
A boasters can talk well, but he can't do things

wkolo3avr211 wkolo3avr211    3   18.02.2021 07:23    9

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