Example: denis is the in our school. (swim) — denis is the best swimmer in our school. 1) the popular took part in the concert yesterday, (sing) 2) paula wants to become an english (teach) 3) ivan pavlov is a world- . (science) 4)this club is only for famous of our country, (travel) 5) i think you will be a successful in the future, (write и перевод

Vanomasssss Vanomasssss    2   13.08.2019 04:50    1

AnastasiaKT AnastasiaKT  04.10.2020 15:04
1) Popular singer took part in the concert yesterday. 
Популярный певец принял участие в концерте вчера.

2) Paula wants to become an English teacher. 
Пола хочет стать учителем английского языка.

3) Ivan Pavlov is a world-famous scientist.
Иван Павлов - всемирно-известный ученый.

4) This club is only for famous travelers of our country.
Этот клуб только для известных путешественников нашей страны.

5) I think you will be a successful writer in the future.
Я думаю ты станешь успешным писателем в будущем.
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