Ex.vi. напишите отрицательную и вопросительную формы данных предложений. 1.he gave some examples in his lecture. 2. i like reading english articles on this subject. 3. there will be meeting in anatomy next week.

Фариза1111111 Фариза1111111    2   22.08.2019 18:30    3

kyzminlexa06 kyzminlexa06  05.10.2020 13:11
1. He did not give any examples in his lecture. Did he give any examples in his lecture?
2. I do not like reading English articles on this subject. Do I like reading English articles on this subject?
3. There won't be meeting in Anatomy next week. Will there be meeting in Anatomy next week? 
Dashacolod Dashacolod  05.10.2020 13:11
1. He didn't give any examples in his lecture. 
Did he give any examples in his lecture?

2. I don't like reading English articles on this subject. 
Do I like reading English articles on this subject?

3. There won't be meeting in Anatomy next week.
Will there be meeting in Anatomy next week?
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