Ex. 8 p.198 Write questions to interview one of the heroes.
Answer the questions:
1.Why is it often difficult to make your choice which newspapers to buy or to subscribe to?

Ex. 8 p.198 Write questions to interview one of the heroes. Answer the questions: 1.Why is it often

диана2376 диана2376    3   11.04.2021 10:56    1

1LOSI1 1LOSI1  11.05.2021 10:59

1) We are forced to make a variety of decisions every minute. Our choice starts with a simple purchase of yoghurts, but also extends to such important things as a life partner, profession, conceiving a child, political beliefs, a mortgage for buying an apartment for a period of 15-20 years ...

We also make many other decisions, not so significant, but causing vague anxiety: whether to get a flu shot, transfer a child to another school, change a doctor, or break unwritten rules.

The choice is difficult. Let's try to understand what a choice is and how we make it. And also take a few steps to learn how to make informed decisions.

2) science and psychology, profile, elle, 5 wheel, science and religion, amateur


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