Ex 6 p. 119 Fill in with: set off, survive, wrapped, got stuck, looking forward to, scared, lonely, ran out of.
1 He ……….a blanket around himself to keep warm.
2 We were ……….. our trip to the mountains.
3 The car ………….. in the snow.
4 Daryl ……… early to beat the traffic.
5 There was no one to talk to so he felt ……….
6 He ………. food after a few days so he had to go out and buy some.
7 He managed to ………. for days with very little food and water.
8 He felt very ………. when he heard the strange sounds getting closer

Polly2970 Polly2970    1   03.03.2021 11:09    3

airatfack2000oz7glu airatfack2000oz7glu  03.03.2021 11:10

He …… wrapped….a blanket around himself to keep warm.

2 We were …… looking forward to….. our trip to the mountains.

3 The car ………got stuck….. in the snow.

4 Daryl …set off…… early to beat the traffic.

5 There was no one to talk to so he felt …lonely…….

6 He ……ran out of…. food after a few days so he had to go out and buy some.

7 He managed to …survive……. for days with very little food and water.

8 He felt very ……scared…. when he heard the strange sounds getting closer


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