Ex. 58. use there was, there were and the past tense of the following verbs: sing, draw, feed, keep, put, win. 1. a: how was the concert? b: we enjoyed it. … a very good singer. she ….. four songs. 2. a: that’s a wonderful drawing. who … it? b: i did. … two older men sitting near me on the train. i started to draw them on the train. i finished the picture at home. a: you’re really talented! 3. a: where did you buy that cowboy hot? b: ididn’t 31 buy it. i … it. a: when? b: last saturday. … a carnival. i guessed the number of balls in the box. 4. a: we took the children to the zoo on sunday. b: did they like it? a: yes, they loved it! … lions, tigers, elephants, and monkeys. paul and jane … the monkeys peanuts, and the monkeys clapped their hands. 5. a: did you listen the news last night? b: no, i didn’t. a: … a con-man in texas. he became friends with older women. they gave him their money to invest, but he … their money for himself instead. b: that’s terrible. a: the police found out about him from the children of one of the women. the police arrested him and … him in jail.

Lisa2003black Lisa2003black    2   20.07.2019 05:20    1

shlyakhovdaniik shlyakhovdaniik  03.10.2020 08:43
There was, sang, drew, there were,
won, there was
there were, fed
there was, kept,put
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