№! : ex.5. раскройте скобки, используя  future simple или be going to to. choose between future simple and be going to to complete the conversation. —  can i speak to fiona, please? —  speaking. is that you, pat? —  it’s me. hi. what you (1 –  do) tonight? —  i don’t know yet. i think, i (2 — read) the book nora gave me yesterday. —  how about going to the cinema? —  sounds good, but i’m looking after my little brother after eight, because my parents are going to their friend’s birthday party. —  poor you. your brother is so naughty sometimes! —  but i love him. he’s so funny! i think, he (3 — be) a good clown. he says he (4 — be) a pilot, nothing else. well, what   (5 — do) you tonight? — i don’t know either. i wanted to go somewhere nice with you, but you are baby-sitting tonight, so i (6 — help) you to baby-sit, if you don’t mind. —of course, i don’t. come along and (7 — have) a nice cup of tea and (8—play) with my brother.

kocheryan86p08jni kocheryan86p08jni    2   06.10.2019 18:20    21

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