Ex.5 open the brackets using active or passive voice. 1. when i came to this town three years ago, the bridge (still/ build). 2. he was sure his mistake (never/discover). 3. close the door, the baby (wash). 4. she didn’t follow the advice she (give). 5. when she entered the classroom, the last student (still/ examine). 6. hopefully, everything (arrange) by the end of the day. 7. luckily, the house (restore) by the time he (come) back from africa. 8. a lot of new houses (build) in our town this year. 9. the road (widen) for the last few weeks. 10. there was somebody walking behind us. we (follow). 11. after he (promise) the job, he felt quite jubilant. 12. i didn’t realize our conversation (record), otherwise i wouldn’t have been so bold. 13. when we got to the stadium, we (find) that the game (cancel). 14. once the letter (deliver), i’ll let you know. 15. they went to the storeroom where some of the goods (keep). 16. nothing (see) of pauline since her car (find) abandoned near newberry. 17. for the past few days i (work) in jack’s office as my own office (redecorate) now.

uhvvivdgb uhvvivdgb    1   09.06.2019 02:10    4

arinayakovenkop09u55 arinayakovenkop09u55  07.07.2020 23:46
1. When I came to this town three years ago, the bridge was still being built.
2. He was sure his mistake would never be discovered.
3. Close the door, the baby is being washed.
4. She didn’t follow the advice she had been given.
5. When she entered the classroom, the last student was being still examined.
6. Hopefully, everything will have been arranged by the end of the day.
7. Luckily, the house had been restored by the time he came back from Africa.
8. A lot of new houses have been built in our town this year.
9. The road has been widened for the last few weeks.
10. There was somebody walking behind us. We were being followed.
11. After he had been promised the job, he felt quite jubilant.
12. I didn’t realize our conversation was being recorded; otherwise I wouldn’t have been so bold.
13. When we got to the stadium, we found that the game had been canceled.
14. Once the letter is delivered, I’ll let you know.
15. They went to the storeroom where some of the goods were kept.
16. Nothing has been seen of Pauline since her car was found abandoned near Newberry.
17. For the past few days I have been working in Jack’s office as my own office is being redecorated now.
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