Ex.5. Do the multiple choice test.
1. It (rain) heavily when I first (meet) him.

A. rained; met B. was raining; was meeting C. was raining; met

D. rained; was meeting

2. Jane (leave) for America last week, … she?

A. left; didn’t B. left; did C. was leaving, wasn’t D. left, wasn’t

3. You (hear

A. Did you hear B. Were you hearing C. Heard you D.

4. What they (do) in your flat when you (enter)?

A. did they do; entered B. were they doing; enter C. were they doing; were entering D

5. We (go) inside. Jane and Kate (dance), Mike (drink) Coke and the rest (eat) a cake.

A. went; were dancing, was drinking; were eating B. were going; danced; drank; ate C. went; were dancing; was drinking; was eating D. went; danced; drank; ate

6. Who (rob) their house?

A. did rob B. was robbing C. rob D. robbed

7. Who (have) dinner at two o’clock yesterday? – We … .

A. has; do B. had; did C. was having; were D. were having; were

8. She (come) in, (greet) us and (begin) the lesson.

A. came; greeted, began B. came; was greeting; began C. was coming; greeted, began D. was coming; was greeting; was beginning

9. Mark … to smoke twenty cigarettes a day. – So … Tom.

A. used; used B. used; was C. used; did D. was used; was

10. The Browns (look, not) for Betsy from 10 to 12 o’clock yesterday.

A. aren’t looking B. weren’t looking C. didn’t look D. wasn’t looking

11. He (see, not) me as he (read) when I (come) into the room.

A. didn’t see; read; came B. didn’t see; was reading; was coming C. didn’t see; read; was coming D. didn’t see; was reading; came

12. Neither of us (speak) German last year.

A. spoke B. didn’t speak C. was speaking D. wasn’t speaking

13. How much he (pay) for his cigarette lighter?

A. paid B. did he pay C. pay D. was he paying

14. Sam (say) that Larry (come) home the following week.

A. said; came B. was saying; came C. was saying; was coming

D. said; was coming

15. I (get, not) a message from my friend yesterday.

A. didn’t get B. don’t get C. got not D. wasn’t getting

16. Sally (hurt) herself while she (make) supper.

A. hurt; made B. was hurting; made C. was hurting; was making

D. hurt; was making

17. Our neighbour (be, not) at home at 5 o’clock. She (visit) her sister in the hospital at that time.

A. wasn’t; visited B. wasn’t; visited C. wasn’t; was visiting

D. wasn’t; were visiting

18. Who he (want) to talk to yesterday evening?

A. did he want B. he wanted C. wanted he D. does he want

19. When I (come) Jack (listen) to some records, … he?

A. came; listened; did B. came; was listening; was C. came; was listening, didn’t D. came; was listening; wasn’t.

Ex.6. Translate into English.
1. Мы не пошли вчера на концерт, потому что был сильный дождь. 2. Мы не поняли друг друга. Пока я ждала его в холле университета, он искал меня в парке. 3. Когда ты позвонил вчера, я переводил новый текст. 4. Когда ты был в отпуске последний раз зимой. – Как ты его провел? – Прекрасно. Катался на лыжах и коньках. 5. Вчера я опоздал на урок английского языка. Когда я вошел, студенты писали тест. 6. Когда ты впервые увидела его? – Полгода тому назад. Он продавал компьютеры тогда. 7. Генри газеты, в то время как Анна готовила ужин. 8. Я обедал, когда кто-то позвонил в дверь. 9. Она учила стихотворение весь вечер, не так ли? – Да, стихотворение довольно длинное. 10. Где ты была сегодня после обеда? Я приходил к тебе, но тебя не было дома. 11. Кто навещал тебя вчера? – Мои сокурсники. 12. Где вы видели его на неделе? – Мы видели его на стадионе, на футбольном матче. 13. Мы жили в Киеве 10 лет, потом переехали в Смоленск. 14. Когда я вошел в комнату, студенты все еще обсуждали его предложение. 15. Чем вы занимались в среду с 4 до 5? – Мы ремонтировали машину. 16. Она никогда не смеется, когда работает, верно? – Да. 17. Он был очень занят, когда я его видел, так как на следующий день он уезжал в командировку. 18. Он без конца жалуется на своих соседей! 19. Вчера весь вечер они играли в компьютерные игры. 20. Вы ждали меня три часа? – Конечно.

BULATKA177 BULATKA177    2   05.04.2020 18:30    20

мозк2 мозк2  25.12.2023 12:23
1. A. rained; met
The correct answer is A because it uses the past simple tense "rained" to describe the action of raining, and the past simple tense "met" to describe the action of meeting.

2. B. left; did
The correct answer is B because it uses the past simple tense "left" to describe the action of Jane leaving, and the past simple tense "did" to indicate a positive statement.

3. A. Did you hear
The correct answer is A because it uses the past simple tense "did" to form a question, and the base form of the verb "hear".

4. C. were they doing; were entering
The correct answer is C because it uses the past continuous tense "were they doing" to describe the ongoing action of what they were doing, and the past continuous tense "were entering" to describe the ongoing action of entering.

5. A. went; were dancing, was drinking; were eating
The correct answer is A because it uses the past simple tense "went" to describe the action of going, the past continuous tense "were dancing" to describe the ongoing action of dancing, the past continuous tense "was drinking" to describe the ongoing action of drinking, and the past continuous tense "were eating" to describe the ongoing action of eating.

6. D. robbed
The correct answer is D because it uses the past simple tense "robbed", which is the correct form of the verb "rob" in the past simple tense.

7. B. had; did
The correct answer is B because it uses the past simple tense "had" to describe the action of having dinner, and the past simple tense "did" to indicate a positive statement.

8. A. came; greeted, began
The correct answer is A because it uses the past simple tense "came" to describe the action of coming, and the past simple tense "greeted" and "began" to describe the actions of greeting and beginning.

9. C. used; did
The correct answer is C because it uses the past simple tense "used" to describe the action of Mark smoking twenty cigarettes a day, and the past simple tense "did" to indicate a positive statement.

10. B. weren't looking
The correct answer is B because it uses the past continuous tense "weren't looking" to describe the action of the Browns not looking for Betsy during a specific time period in the past.

11. C. didn't see; read; was coming
The correct answer is C because it uses the past simple tense "didn't see" to describe the action of not seeing, the past continuous tense "was reading" to describe the ongoing action of reading, and the past continuous tense "was coming" to describe the ongoing action of coming.

12. B. didn't speak
The correct answer is B because it uses the past simple tense "didn't speak" to describe the action of not speaking.

13. B. did he pay
The correct answer is B because it uses the past simple tense "did he pay" to form a question.

14. D. said; was coming
The correct answer is D because it uses the past simple tense "said" to describe the action of saying, and the past continuous tense "was coming" to describe the ongoing action of coming.

15. A. didn't get
The correct answer is A because it uses the past simple tense "didn't get" to describe the action of not getting a message.

16. C. was hurting; was making
The correct answer is C because it uses the past continuous tense "was hurting" to describe the ongoing action of hurting, and the past continuous tense "was making" to describe the ongoing action of making.

17. C. wasn't; was visiting
The correct answer is C because it uses the past simple tense "wasn't" to describe the state of not being at home, and the past continuous tense "was visiting" to describe the ongoing action of visiting.

18. B. he wanted
The correct answer is B because it uses the past simple tense "he wanted" to describe the action of wanting.

19. B. came; was listening; wasn't
The correct answer is B because it uses the past simple tense "came" to describe the action of coming, the past continuous tense "was listening" to describe the ongoing action of listening, and the negative form "wasn't" to indicate a negative statement.

Ex.6. Translate into English.

1. We didn't go to the concert yesterday because it was raining heavily.
2. We didn't understand each other. While I was waiting for him in the university hall, he was looking for me in the park.
3. When you called yesterday, I was translating a new text.
4. When was the last time you were on vacation? - How did you spend it? - Great. I went skiing and ice skating.
5. Yesterday I was late for the English lesson. When I entered, the students were taking a test.
6. When did you first meet him? - Six months ago. He was selling computers then.
7. Henry was reading newspapers while Anna was cooking dinner.
8. I was having lunch when someone knocked on the door.
9. She was studying the poem all evening, right? - Yes, the poem is quite long.
10. Where were you after lunch today? I came to your place, but you weren't home.
11. Who visited you yesterday? - My classmates.
12. Where did you see him last week? - We saw him at the stadium, at the football match.
13. We lived in Kiev for 10 years, then we moved to Smolensk.
14. When I entered the room, the students were still discussing his proposal.
15. What were you doing on Wednesday from 4 to 5? - We were fixing the car.
16. She never laughs when she's working, right? - Yes.
17. He was very busy when I saw him because he was leaving on a business trip the next day.
18. He constantly complains about his neighbors!
19. Yesterday evening, they were playing computer games all night.
20. Did you wait for me for three hours? - Of course.
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