Ex. 49. write questions to the underlined words. use the simple past. 1. bob carved the turkey. 2. bob met valerie after work. 3. doug and norma washed the dishes. 4. carol met yoko’s friends in san francisco. 5.yoko and carol took a trip. 6. eleanor helped valerie with the dishes. 7. yoko stayed in san francisco for four days. 8. carol called eleanor last friday. 9. pete missed carol and his mother on thanksgiving. 10. pete prepared an unusual soup.

Hothhgggvhn Hothhgggvhn    1   24.06.2019 23:10    1

niknik14 niknik14  20.07.2020 11:16
1. Who carved the turkey?
2. Whom did Bob meet after work?
3. Who washed the dishes with Norma? 
4. Whom did Carol meet in San Francisco? 
5. Who took a trip?
6. Whom did Eleonora help with the dishes?
7. Who stayed in San Francisco for four days? 
8. Whom did Carol call last Friday? 
9. Whom did Pete miss on Thanksgiving? 
10. Who prepared an unusual soup?
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