Ex.4 Word formation – suffixe .Use the following suffixes to change the verbs in the box
into nouns: -ation, -ence, -ment or -ance. Write them in the correct column. (+translation)
Admire amaze appear apply arrange assist concentrate encourage exist differ
guide identify perform prefer publish punish
-ation -ence -ment -ance

Ex.5 Complete these sentences with appropriate nouns from the table. (+translation)
1 Julie’s 40th birthday coincided with the of her first novel.
2 Having a car would make a huge to my life.
3 To my, I won a prize for the song I wrote.
4 People didn’t know of the of the planet Uranus until Hirschel discovered it in 1871.
5 Staff are available to offer to anyone who needs help carrying their luggage.

nona2003 nona2003    2   10.04.2020 18:25    9

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