Ex.4 Выберите соответствующие слова и структуры из данных в скобках:

1. I'm (little/a little) tired, may I go to bed now?
2. Jerry is the tallest (among/between) his many friends.
3. In the picture Sarah is (among/between) her mother and her elder sister.
4. (Few/A few) of the pupils understood me, only two or three in the class.
Ex.5 Измените слова в скобках и заполните предложения:
1) Yesterday I saw a very … (USUAL) flower.
2) If we don’t stop … (POLLUTE), our future can be in great danger.
3) I don’t believe him, he is … (HONEST).
4) The scientists discussed the new … (DEVELOP) of this idea.
5) She doesn’t get any real … (ENJOY) from driving a car.

Ex.6 Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую форму:

1. I (read) this book for a week, but haven't finished it yet.
2. Nick (want) to visit the ancient city for a long time.
3. The girls (have) these clothes since they bought them in Italy.
4. Jerry (learn) to paint since last summer.

ifraank ifraank    3   16.05.2020 18:15    22

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