Ex. 3. Make up alternative questions to the following sentences. 1. Nora wants to become a lawyer. (a designer) 2. There are five potatoes on the floor. (eleven) 3. He will study French in Spain. (France) 4. They are hockey fans. (football) 5. Arina bought a nice shirt yesterday. (a T-shirt) 6. The bank opens at 8:30. (at 9) 7. Fred paint his house every five years. (every 4 years) 8. She visited all the museums in London. (the shops) 9. Alla usually watches TV in the evening. (surfs the Internet) 10. He played the guitar. (the violin)

Ex. 4. Put tag questions to the following sentences.
1. It isn’t warm today, ... ? 2. It was windy yesterday, ... ? 3. It looks like rain, ...? 4. They haven’t been to Africa, ... ? 5. William knew the truth, ... ? 6. You don’t like winter, ... ? 7. You didn’t go to the Black Sea last summer, …? 8. He lives there, ...? 9. You won’t do this, ... ? 10. She is an artist, ...?
Ex. 5. Make up subject questions to the following sentences.
1. A lesson lasts forty five minutes. 2. We had only 100 roubles. 3. I am reading a newspaper at the moment. 4. We haven’t failed our examinations this year. 5. The vacation will be next month. 6. I was looking for my sister. 7. There aren’t any students in the room. 8. All tests have been prepared by the teachers. 9. My mother came to school five minutes ago. 10. I was given another text.

mayorovagelya mayorovagelya    1   06.03.2022 08:45    4

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