Ex.2. Write the sentences in Passive voice using the Past Simple Tense

1.Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. 2. Charlie didn't win the race
3. My brother wore a T-shirt and shorts. 4. John drank two bottles of juice.
5. The teenagers played volleyball.
6. The car mechanic repaired his broken car.

АртемЧепчугов666 АртемЧепчугов666    2   14.04.2020 16:44    1

руслан797 руслан797  13.10.2020 05:58

1)Romeo and Juliet  was written by Shakespeare

2)The race wasn't won by Charlie

3)A T-shirt and shorts were worn by my brother

4)The two bottles of juice were drunk by John

5)Volleyball was played by the teenagers

6) His broken car was repaired by the car mechanic


В Past Simple, в Passive voice мы используем were/was( 2 форму глагола to be) и глагол в 3 форме(V3)

ответы вроде верные. Удачи!;)

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