Ex. 2. put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1 a: if you pass (pass) a bakery, … (you/buy) some bread, please? b: yes, of course. how much do you need? 2 a: did you invite tim to the party? b: no. but when i (speak) to him, i (invite) him. 3 a: may i go out now, please? b: yes, provided you (do) your homework. 4 a: mum seems very busy at the moment. b: were i you, i … (offer) to help her. 5 a: hurry up, or else we … (miss) the train. b: i know, i'm being as quick as i can. 6 a: unless you … (work) hard, you (fail) the exam. b: i know. i've been studying every evening. 7 a: i forgot to ask simon for his phone number. b: if i … (see) him today, i … (ask) him. 8 a: peter won't help me with my homework. b: i'm sure he … (help) you if he … (have) the time. 9 a: i'm not going to tell him what happened. b: what if he … (find out) on his own? 10 a: if i … (not/buy) the lottery ticket, i … (never/win) all this money! b: i know. isn't is amazing? 11 a: unless you … (go) to bed now, you … (be) tired in the morning. b: i know. i'm going. 12 a: i need some wrapping paper. b: well, if i … (find) any at the shop, i … (buy) some for you. 13 a: can i have some chocolate cake, please? b: well, as long as you … (eat) all your dinner, you can have some chocolate cake. 14 a: i hate going into town. b: so do i. wherever i … (go) into town, i … (come back) with a headache. 15 a: you'd better apologise, otherwise he … (never/speak) to you again. b: you're right. i will.

АндрейЯсийчук АндрейЯсийчук    1   18.04.2019 10:01    203

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