Ex. 1Complete the sentences. (Составить предложения из слов)

1. Going to/ am/ tomorrow morning/ go/ to school/ I.

2. Snow/ going to/ it/ tonight/ is.

3. Next month/ are/ go skiing/ we/ going to.

4. Are/ go swimming/ they/ going to/ next weekend.

5. Finish/ this evening/ your dinner/ going to/ are/ you.

6. My dad/ visit/ his sister/ is/ next week/ in Canada/ going to.

Ex. 2 Write negative sentences with be going to. (Написать отрицательные предложения с оборотом be going to)

1. She/ watch/ TV/ tonight.

2. Tim/ go/ to the beach.

3. They/ sunbathe on the beach.

4. You/ play football with us.

5. We/ eat pizza/ again today.

6. I/ go shopping/ with you.

Ex. 3 Write the sentences with must. (Составить приложения с глаголом must)

1. You/ study French. ´

2. Your friends/ stay at home/ this evening. ´

3. Joanna/ come canoeing with us. Ú

4. We/ have a holiday/ this summer. Ú

5. I/ learn a lot of English. Ú

6. Ben/ be at the party/ on Saturday. ´

7. What/ you/ do/ in August?

8. I/ visit/ a friend in Galicia. Ú

9. We/ go abroad/ in summer. ´

10. My cousin/ travel/ to Mexico. Ú

11. Where/ she/ stay/?

12. She/ speak English/ ´

Ex. 4 Translate the sentences. (Перевести на русский язык предложения)

1. Я люблю весну.

2. Погода обычно теплая и солнечная.

3. Сегодня идет дождь.

4. Мне не нравится зима.

5. Я не люблю, когда на улице холодно и снежно.

Tyxco Tyxco    1   22.05.2020 20:53    5

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