Ex 1
Choose the right conjunction.
1. He is a kind ... generous person.
a) and b) because c) but
2. He can play tennis, ... he can't play chess.
a) and b) but c) so
3. I can't help you, ... I am busy now.
a) because b) so c) but
4. I shall stay here ... I have finished my work.
a) as if b) while c) until​

Даниил5702 Даниил5702    3   30.03.2020 08:44    0

kristishkalniza kristishkalniza  12.10.2020 08:53

Hey there! :)


Choose the right conjunction.

1. He is a kind and generous person.

2. He can play tennis, but he can't play chess.

3. I can't help you, because I am busy now.

4. I shall stay here until I have finished my work.

Answer details:

Subject: English

Level: Middle School

Theme: ...

Keywords: ...

Hope this helps! :)

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