Ex;19 Закончите предложения используя приведенные ниже 1. These microorganisms survived under those conditions only because they ... some peculiar attributes.
2. I didn't recognize the place. Everything... a lot.
3. She couldn't speak. She felt that something terrible . 4. My friend couldn't walk. He.. his leg.
5. He showed me the photo. He ... it during our last meeting.
6. The student said that he... never ... with a microscope before.
7. It was a completely new form of life. Scientists... never... anything like it before.

to see, to happen, to gain, to work, to take, to change, to break

anton280605 anton280605    3   19.10.2020 05:32    48

makssssimfrank makssssimfrank  04.01.2024 15:18
1. These microorganisms survived under those conditions only because they had some peculiar attributes.
Explanation: The microorganisms were able to survive because they possessed certain unique qualities or characteristics that allowed them to adapt to the specific conditions they were subjected to. This is the reason behind their survival.

2. I didn't recognize the place. Everything had changed a lot.
Explanation: The person speaking couldn't recognize the place because everything in it had undergone significant transformations or alterations. This made the place look completely different from how it was before.

3. She couldn't speak. She felt that something terrible had happened.
Explanation: The woman was unable to speak, most likely due to shock or trauma, because she sensed or believed that something terrible had occurred. This event could have affected her emotionally or physically, causing her to lose her ability to speak.

4. My friend couldn't walk. He had broken his leg.
Explanation: The reason why my friend was unable to walk was that he had fractured or damaged his leg. This injury impeded his ability to use his leg normally and resulted in his inability to walk.

5. He showed me the photo. He had taken it during our last meeting.
Explanation: The person presented me with a photograph. This picture had captured or been captured by him during our previous meeting. The verb "to take" is used to refer to the act of capturing or photographing something.

6. The student said that he had never worked with a microscope before.
Explanation: The student expressed that he had no prior experience or familiarity with using a microscope. This indicates that at the time of speaking, he had not engaged in any activities or tasks involving a microscope.

7. It was a completely new form of life. Scientists had never seen anything like it before.
Explanation: The discovery presented itself as an entirely novel form or type of living organism. Scientists had never encountered or come across anything similar or comparable to it in the past. This is the reason why it was considered new and unprecedented.
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